"Deep Cleaning vs. Regular Cleaning: What's the Real Difference?"
What is Regular Cleaning?
Regular cleaning includes anything you would do on a regular basis to keep a space looking clean and tidy. This could be anything from running the vacuum cleaner around every day to washing windows once a month. Any cleaning tasks that need to be undertaken monthly, weekly, or daily, would come under a regular cleaning list.
What is Deep Cleaning?
A deep clean should include everything that falls under the regular cleaning list, as well as other cleaning tasks that don’t need to be carried out on such a regular basis. A deep clean could be required for general maintenance. Additional tasks in a deep clean would involve things like, cleaning behind and below furniture, and on top of cupboards.
For further guidance on deep cleaning vs regular cleaning, read our checklist below. This shows the kinds of tasks that should be done frequently and those that don’t need to occur so often.
Regular Cleaning Tasks | Additional Tasks Included in a Deep Clean |
Vacuum cleaning | Mopping behind/below furniture |
Mopping floors | Vacuum cleaning behind/below furniture |
Dusting | Dusting on top of cupboards |
Disinfecting surfaces and handles | Washing soft furnishings such as chairs in a seating area |
Toilet scrubbing | Removing scale from water-based equipment |
Washing windows from inside | Cleaning appliances such as the fridge or oven |
Polishing | Cleaning doors and door knob |
Washing up | Cleaning skirting board |
Wiping away cobwebs |